U.S. Army Human Resources Command, WWW.HRC.ARMY.MIL
My Record Portal Login
CAC Login  Use your CAC
CAC Login  Use your DS Logon

Board Files have moved to ASBS. 

View your Board File here: https://mbf.hrc.army.mil/.

MyBoardFile has moved to ASBS and is now available for Soldiers to view at any time. Make sure you check with your S1 for details and guidance. To find out more about ASBS, please visit the S1Net thread (CAC enabled) "NEW" My Board File |milBook Home.


Login Support 

My Record Portal is HRC's self-service portal for the Army’s Active Duty, Reserve, National Guard, Retirees and Veterans.

IPERMS data is no longer available in My Record Portal. Users must go to the iPERMS site to access their iPERMS records.

To view your record in My Record Portal, log in and choose the icon that identifies your service type.

For IT issues, please contact the Army Enterprise Service Management Platform (AESMP) for assistance. You may use the following methods to contact them:

Option 1: By telephone, by calling 1-866-335-2769

Option 2: Via the web, by visiting https://www.aesmp.army.mil/

Provide the following information with your request:

  • Name
  • User's Official Email (Or AMID ID)
  • DOD ID
  • Unit Information
  • Telephone Number
  • Explanation of the problem
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